Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Yea I never really got around to talking about this part much - but it's so effing important to mention. THE.ITCHING.


the worst.
I can not tell you how many times i laid in bed, propped up by a pillow, with tears just running down my face. The doctors will tell you 'this is good, because it means you're healing', but my god does it feel bad. I can't really describe it, but if you've ever had a scab that's healing you've probably felt it on a very minor level. It's like chicken pox, on crack. Or 1,000 red ant bites all in one area. And of course, you obviously can't scratch it. So you just have to lay there and take it.
You're helpless, and so is everyone around you.

The only thing that helps? Benadryl.
Thank the heavens above for Benadryl, because clearly angels themselves came down and made this stuff. It works legitimate miracles, with one drawback… you'll be in a coma within the hour. So yea, if you plan on functioning as a human being, don't take it. But, if you want to relieve the god forsaken itching and not cry, do it. Those are basically your only two options.

99% of the time i chose to put myself into a coma, and I don't regret it one bit.
sleep > tears.

1 comment:

  1. I can't even relate to going through that. I can only hope that every day gets a bit easier for you. Hugs.
